Tanzania emblem
Jamhuri ya Muungano wa Tanzania

Wizara ya Ujenzi



This Unit led by Eng. Musa Kashinde
Ag. Director of Safety and Environment (Ag. DSE)
Email: dse@mow.go.tz / 

To provide expertise on infrastructure safety and environmental management in a sustainable manner.

This Division will be led by a Director and will have the following Sections:-

  •  Safety Management Section; and
  •  Environment Management Section.

Safety Management Section
This Section will perform the following activities:-

  • Prepare, monitor, evaluate and review the implementation of policies, legislations, regulations guidelines and standards related to mechanical works, roads public buildings, construction and electrical safety;
  • Develop and implement roads, mechanical, electrical and construction works awareness programs to the public and other stakeholders;
  • Coordinate disaster management/mitigation issue in the sector; and
  • Carry out research and studies on areas of new research for the sector e.g. vehicle crafts.
    This Section will be led by an Assistant Director.

Environment Management Section
This Section will perform the following activities:

  • Advise on and, in collaboration with other bodies, prepare and review the policies of the Government on the protection and management of the environment;
  • Monitor and evaluate Ministry’s compliance on Environment Management Act (EMA), 2004 on the sector;
  • Prepare specific strategies, guidelines, regulations and systems for environmental management for the sector and monitor their implementation;
  • Coordinate management safety and environmental issues in the sector in liaison with NEMC and other relevant stakeholders;
  • Develop, monitor and implement environment awareness creation programs to the public and other relevant stakeholders;
  • Oversee the preparation and implementation of an Environmental impact Assessment for investments in the roads and public works sectors including development and maintenance projects;
  • Prepare and coordinate the implementation of environmental action plans at the national and local levels as required under EMA;
  • Undertake analysis of environmental impact of the sector legislations, regulations, policies, plans strategies and programs through strategic environmental assessment;
  • Prepare and submit bi-annual report on the state of environment and measures taken by the Ministry;
  • Provide environmental advice and technical support to the Local Government Authorities staff working in the sector in conjunction with the Ministry responsible for Local Government;
  • Identify and facilitate conduction of studies on Environmental issues in the roads, construction, electrical and mechanical sectors.
    This Section will be led by an Assistant Director.


This unit led by Ms. Lilian Kajubili 
Ag. Chief Accountant (Ag. CA)
Email: ca@mow.go.tz / 

To provide financial management and bookkeeping services for the Ministry.

This Unit willperfom the following activities:-


  • Timely preparation and payment of salaries
  • Proper payroll management; and
  • Budget for personnel emoluments.


  • Collection of all revenues;
  • Manage the revenue according to regulations and guidelines; and
  • Supervise the collection of revenue.


  • Timely preparation of pension papers; and
  • Maintenance of pension records.

Cash Office

  • Submission of voucher list to the Treasury;
  • Collection of all cheques from Treasury;
  • Banking cash and Cheques;
  • Preparation of monthly flash report;
  • Payment of cash/cheques to employees/customers (Service Provider);
  • Batching of paid vouchers;
  • Maintenance and effecting all payments.


  • Prepare budget; and
  •  Monitor expenditure.


  • Ensure proper documentation to support vouchers, including authorization according to the regulations;
  • Ensure adherence to the relevant facts , regulations, circulars etc; and
  • Reply all Audit queries raised during the previous financial year.


This unit led by Saumu Mruke
Director of Legal Services (DLS)

Email: dls@mow.go.tz / 

To provide legal expertise and service to the Ministry.

This will perform the following activities:-

  • Provide legal advice and assistance to Ministry’s Divisions and Units and entities under the Ministry on interpretation of laws, terms of contract, guarantees, letters of undertaking, memorandum of understanding, consultancy agreements and other type of agreements and other legal documents;
  •  Contribute to the preparation of proposed bill/act, subsidiary legislation (regulation, rules, orders etc) and liaise with the Attorney Generals Chambers; and
  • Prosecute and make follow up of cases in Courts of Law and Courts decision, maintain database on courts decisions and ensure safe Custody.


This unit led by Mr. Peter Mabale
Director of Procurement Management Unit (DPMU)
Email: dpmu@mow.go.tz
 / peter.mabale@mow.go.tz

To provide expertise and services in procurement, storage and supply of goods and services for the Ministry.

This Unit will perform the following activities:-

  • Advise the Management on matters pertaining to the procurement of goods and services and logistics managements;

  • Monitor adherence to procurement process and procedures as per Public Procurement Act;

  • Develop an annual Procurement Plan for the Ministry;

  • Procure, maintain and manage supplies, materials and services to support the logistical requirements of the Ministry;

  • Maintain and monitor distribution of office supplies and materials;

  • Maintain and update inventory of goods, supplies and materials;

  • Provide Secretariat services to the Tender Board as per Public Procurement Act;

  • Set specifications/standards for goods and services procured and monitor adherence to them to ensure value for money; and

  • Prepare action plan, progress reports and budget for the Unit.


This Unit led by Mr. Bruno Melchior 
Chief Internal Auditor (CIA)
Email: cia@mow.go.tz
 / bruno.melchior@mow.go.tz

Provide advisory services to the Accounting Officer in the proper management of Resources

This Unit will perform the following activities:-

  • Reviewing and reporting on proper control over the receipt, custody and utilization of all financial resources of the ministry;
  • Reviewing and reporting on conformity with financial and operational procedures laid down in any legislation or any regulation or instruction issued under such legislation and good accounting practice as from time to time defined by the Accountant General in order to avoid incurring obligations and authorizing payments to the extent which would ensure effective control over the expenditure of the Ministry;
  • Reviewing and reporting on the correct classification and allocation of revenue and expenditure accounts;
  • Reviewing and reporting on the reliability and integrity of financial and operating data so that information provided allows for the preparation of accurate financial statements and other reports for the information of the Ministry and the General Public as required by Legislations;
  • Reviewing and reporting on the systems in place used to safeguard assets, and as appropriate, the verification of the existence of such assets;
  • Reviewing and reporting on operations or programs to ascertain whether results are consistent with established objectives and goals;
  • Reviewing and reporting on the adequacy of action by the management in response to internal audit reports, and assisting management in the implementation or recommendations made by those reports and also, where appropriate, recommendations made by the Controller and Auditor General;
  • Reviewing and reporting on the adequacy of controls built into computerized systems in place in the Ministry;
  • Preparing Strategic Audit Plans;
  • Coordinating audit programmes;
  • Conducting performance audit on appraisal of development projects; and
  • Conducting operational/value for money audits.


This unit led by Mrs. Segolena Francis
Head of Government Communication Unit (HGCU)
Email: hgcu@mow.go.tz / 

To provide to the Ministry expertise and service in information, communication and dialogue with Public and Media.

This Unit will perform the following activites:-

  • Produce and disseminate documents such as brochures, articles, newsletters etc to inform the Public on Policies, Programmes, activities and reforms undertaken by the Ministry;
  • Coordinate press briefing for the Ministry;
  • Engage in dialogue with the Public as well as media on issues concerning the Ministry;
  • Promote ministerial activities programs and policies;
  • Coordinate preparation of Sectoral and Ministerial papers for workshops and conferences;
  • Coordinate preparation and production of Ministerial articles and newspapers;
  • Up-date sectoral and ministerial information in the website; and
  • Advice Divisions, Units, extra Ministerial and non commercial Public Institutions on the production of various documents.


This unit led by Mr. Karume Ahmadi
Head of Information and Communication  Technology Unit (HICT)
Email: hict@mow.go.tz / 

To provide expertise and services on application of ICT to the Ministry.

 This Unit will perform the following activities:-

  • Implement ICT and e-Government policy;
  • Develop and coordinate Integrated Management Information system for the Ministry;
  • Ensure that hardware and software are well maintained;
  • Coordinate and provide support on procurement of software and hardware in the Ministry;
  • Establish and Coordinate use of electronic mail communications on LAN and WAN; and
  • Carryout studies and propose areas of using ICT as an instrument to improve service delivery to the whole Ministry.


This Unit led by Qs. Mwanahamisi Kitogo
Director of Airport Construction (DAC)
Email: mwanahamisi. kitogo@mow.go.tz 


  • Prepare and review policies, legislation, regulations, guidelines, technical standards and specifications for the development and rehabilitation of Airports;
  • Monitor and evaluate on development and rehabilitation of Airports;
  • Initiate and monitor the implementation of Airports Master Plan; and
  • Monitor and evaluate the airports development /rehabilitation projects