Tanzania emblem
Jamhuri ya Muungano wa Tanzania

Wizara ya Ujenzi

Usalama na Mazingira

This Unit led by Eng. Musa Kashinde
Ag. Director of Safety and Environment (Ag. DSE)
Email: dse@mow.go.tz / musa.kashinde@mow.go.tz

To provide expertise on infrastructure safety and environmental management in a sustainable manner.

This Division will be led by a Director and will have the following Sections:-

  •  Safety Management Section; and
  •  Environment Management Section.

Safety Management Section
This Section will perform the following activities:-

  • Prepare, monitor, evaluate and review the implementation of policies, legislations, regulations guidelines and standards related to mechanical works, roads public buildings, construction and electrical safety;
  • Develop and implement roads, mechanical, electrical and construction works awareness programs to the public and other stakeholders;
  • Coordinate disaster management/mitigation issue in the sector; and
  • Carry out research and studies on areas of new research for the sector e.g. vehicle crafts.
    This Section will be led by an Assistant Director.

Environment Management Section
This Section will perform the following activities:

  • Advise on and, in collaboration with other bodies, prepare and review the policies of the Government on the protection and management of the environment;
  • Monitor and evaluate Ministry’s compliance on Environment Management Act (EMA), 2004 on the sector;
  • Prepare specific strategies, guidelines, regulations and systems for environmental management for the sector and monitor their implementation;
  • Coordinate management safety and environmental issues in the sector in liaison with NEMC and other relevant stakeholders;
  • Develop, monitor and implement environment awareness creation programs to the public and other relevant stakeholders;
  • Oversee the preparation and implementation of an Environmental impact Assessment for investments in the roads and public works sectors including development and maintenance projects;
  • Prepare and coordinate the implementation of environmental action plans at the national and local levels as required under EMA;
  • Undertake analysis of environmental impact of the sector legislations, regulations, policies, plans strategies and programs through strategic environmental assessment;
  • Prepare and submit bi-annual report on the state of environment and measures taken by the Ministry;
  • Provide environmental advice and technical support to the Local Government Authorities staff working in the sector in conjunction with the Ministry responsible for Local Government;
  • Identify and facilitate conduction of studies on Environmental issues in the roads, construction, electrical and mechanical sectors.
    This Section will be led by an Assistant Director.