Tanzania emblem
Jamhuri ya Muungano wa Tanzania

Wizara ya Ujenzi



This Unit led by Eng. Aloyce Matei
Director of Roads (DR)
Email: dr@mow.go.tz / 

To provide expertise and support on development and maintenance of roads.


  • To initiate and review roads, development policies, guidelines and standards;
  • To monitor roads construction services;
  • To develop applications and guidelines for women participation in public works and road development works;
  • To develop and disseminate appropriate labour based technology, standards, specification, manual and guidelines;
  • To prepare road/bridge development proposals for mobilisation of public infrastructure work financing;
  • To build capacity of RS and LGAs on roads construction and maintenance;
  • To monitor and evaluate the performance agreement between the Ministry and implementing agencies.

This Division will be led by a Director and will have the following Sections:-

  1. Trunk Roads Section;
  2. Regional Roads Section; and 
  3. Urban and Rural Roads.

Trunk Roads Section
This Section will perform the following activities:-

  • Prepare and review policy, legislation, regulations guidelines, technical standards and specifications for development and maintenance of trunk roads, and monitor and evaluate their implementation;
  • Analyse and advise on annual business plans and budgets for trunk roads and bridges development and maintenance works prepared by TANROADS;
  • Ensure that allocated development funds for Trunk Roads are transferred to TANROADS in an expeditious manner;
  • Prepare proposals for Mobilization of Donor Financial Resources for Trunk Road works;
  • Carry out technical Audits on development and maintenance programmes of Trunk Roads and Bridge works to ensure compliance with standards, specifications and cost effectiveness;
  • Initiate policies and programmes for enabling the growth of Tanzanian participants in the subsector, and
  • Facilitate the creation of employment in the subject to eradicate poverty and increase the income of Tanzanians.
    This Section will be led by an Assistant Director.

Regional Roads Section
The Section will perform the following activities:-

  • Prepare and review policies, legislations, regulations, guidelines, technical standards and specifications for development and maintenance of Regional Roads;
  • Analyse and advise on annual Business plans and budgets for “Regional Roads/Bridges Development and Maintenance Works prepared by TANROADS;
  • Ensure that allocated development funds for Regional Roads are transferred to TANROADS in an expeditious manner;
  • Prepare proposal for Mobilization of Donors Financial Resources for Regional Roads;
  • Carry out technical audits on development and maintenance programmes of Regional Roads and Bridge works to ensure compliance with standards, specifications and cost effectiveness;
  • Develop policies and guidelines on women involvement in road works;
  • Oversee development and disseminate Appropriate Labour Based Technology, standards, specifications manuals and guidelines; and
  • Facilitate the creation of employment in the subject to eradicate poverty and increase the income of Tanzanians.
    This Section will be led by an Assistant Director.

Urban and Rural Roads Section
This Section will perform the following activities:-

  • Prepare and provide policy framework for implementation of urban and rural roads projects;
  • Review Annual Business Plans prepared by TANROADS for Urban and Rural Roads development projects;
  • Prepare proposals of mobilization of Donors Financial Resources;
  • Monitor the implementation of Urban and Rural Roads construction projects;
  • Carry out technical audits on Urban and Rural Roads projects to ensure compliance with standards and requirements;
  • Coordinate and raise awareness on the participation of women contractor’s in Urban and Rural Roads construction projects by using labour base technology;
  • Prepare and review standards and specifications of Urban and Rural Roads infrastructure;
  • Review the construction and maintenance policies for Urban and Rural Roads country wide;
  • Provide guidelines for construction of pedestrian and non motorized traffic facilities along Urban Roads;
  • Monitor the maintenance of Urban and Rural Roads;
  • Provide guidelines for erection/laying of Public Utilities (e.g. Telephones, cables, water pipes, storm/sanitary sewers, electric poles/cables etc) on Urban Road reserves;
  • Assist in capacity building of the local construction industry in urban and rural transport infrastructure construction, rehabilitation and maintenance.
    This Section will be led by an Assistant Director.


This Unit led by Qs. Nyaswa Machibya
Ag. Director of Technical and Electrical Services ( Ag. DTES)
Email: dtes@mow.go.tz / nyaswa

To provide expertise and support in the development and management of Electrical, Mechanical and Public Buildings works.


  • To initiate and review policies, guidelines and standards on electrical and mechanical matters;
  • To facilitate capacity building on electrical, mechanical and construction/building works to MDAs and LGAs;
  • To review and develop new research areas on electrical, mechanical and construction/building works;
  • To initiate and facilitate new programmes on electrical, mechanical and building/construction;
  • To develop applications and guidelines for women participation in electrical, mechanical and construction/public building works;
  • To establish and maintain data bases on electrical and mechanical works, construction/public building works;
  • To advise and recommend for approval of appropriate electrical and mechanical and construction works materials and technologies in collaboration with stakeholders;
  • To coordinate electrical and mechanical services, construction and building services/works; and
  • To monitor, evaluate and coordinate disaster mitigation measures in electrical and mechanical works, and public building/construction works.

This Division will be led by a Director and will have the following Sections:-

  1. Electrical and Mechanical Section; and
  2. Public Buildings Section.

Electrical and Mechanical Section
This Section will perform the following activities:-

  • Formulate and review policies, legislations, regulations and guidelines related to Electrical and Mechanical works and monitor their implementation;
  • Establish and review codes (Standards and Specifications) relating to Electrical and Mechanical works;
  • Coordinate/cooperate with other stakeholders/research institutions to review and develop research areas related to Electrical and Mechanical works;
  • Develop applications and guideline for women participation in electrical and mechanical works, and oversee their implementation in LGAs;
  • Establish and maintain database related to electrical and mechanical works; and
  • Coordinate the planning and implementation of disaster mitigation measures related to electrical and mechanical works.
    This Section will be led by an Assistant Director.

Public Buildings Section
This Section will perform the following activities:-

  • Develop, monitor, evaluate and review implementation policies, acts, regulations, guidelines and standards on public buildings;
  • Facilitate research on building materials for public buildings and advise accordingly;
  • Explore other avenues of soliciting funds for the development and maintenance of any Government Building projects;
  • Build staff capacity in the sector; and
  • Initiate and facilitate the acquisition, allocation and disposal of any Government real properties.
    This Section will be led by an Assistant Director.


This Unit led by Mr. Richard Mkumbo
Director of Policy and Planning (DPP)
Email: dpp@mow.go.tz / 

To provide expertise and services in policy formulation, implementation, monitoring and evaluation.


  • To coordinate Ministerial budget;
  • To ensure internal as well as external monitoring and evaluation of the Ministry’s activities and targets;
  • To provide a basis for making informed decisions on the future direction of the Ministry;
  • To encourage and facilitate the provision of services by the Private Sector in the Ministry;
  • To collect and analyse information on the Works sectors to make informed decisions;
  • To prepare Ministerial contribution to the Budget Speech and Annual Economic Report;
  • To institutionalise strategic planning and Budget skills in the Ministry; and
  • To ensure that Works development plans and budgeting are integrated into the government budgeting process.

 This Division will be led by a Director and will have the following Sections:-

  1. Policy Section;
  2. Planning Section; and
  3. Monitoring, Evaluation and Performance Reporting Section.

Policy Section
This Section will perform the following activities:-

  • Formulate, review, implementation and monitoring of Ministry’s policies;
  • Coordinate review of Ministerial policies, update them and ensure consistency with National policies;
  • Review and advice on policy papers prepares by other Ministries;
  • Prepare memorandum of understanding for projects programmes for International Financing and Cooperation;
  • Compile implementation reports on Ruling Party Manifesto and Parliamentary Committee; and
  • Coordinate the preparation of Ministerial budget speech.
    This Section will be led by an Assistant Director.

Planning Section
This Section will perform the following activities:-

  • Coordinate formulation and preparation of the Ministry’s annual plan and medium term strategic plan;
  • Compile Ministerial projects, programmes and Action Plans;
  • Develop strategies for resource mobilization;
  • Liaise with Ministry of Finance and PO-PSM on Strategic Planning and Budgeting process within the Ministry;
  • Provide technical guidance and support for institutionalization of Strategic Planning and Budgeting process within the Ministry; and
  • Participate in analysis of outsourcing of non-core functions (Private Sector Participation).     
    This Section will be led by an Assistant Director.

Monitoring, Evaluation and Performance Reporting Section
This Section will perform the following activities:-

  • Monitor implementation of the Ministry’s Annual Plan and Medium Term Strategic Plan;
  • Prepare periodic (weekly, monthly, quarterly, mid-year, and annual) performance reports for the Ministry;
  • Collect, study and analyze statistics needed in the formulation and implementation of policies, plans and budgetary proposals;
  • Participate in preparing plans, programmes and budgetary activities of the Ministry including establishment of performance targets and indicators;
  • Provide technical support including institutionalization of M & E process within the Ministry;
  • Undertake research and evaluation studies of plans, projects and programmes undertaken by the Ministry;
  • Undertake service deliver surveys to collect stakeholders/clients views on services rendered by the Ministry;
  • Coordinate mid-year and annual performance reviews of the Ministry; and
  • Monitoring performance of Executive Agencies under the Ministry.
    This Section will be led by an Assistant Director.


This Unit led by Mr. Raphael Nombo
Director of Administration and Human Resources Management (DAHRM)

Email: dahrm@mow.go.tz / 

To provide expertise and services on human resources management and administrative matters to the Ministry.


  • To provide strategic inputs to management on Administration and Human Resources Management issues such as recruitment, Human Resources Management Development and Training, Promotion, retention, motivation, performance management and welfare;
  • To ensure optimal management of Human Resources in the Ministry;
  • To provide link between the Ministry and the President’s Office Public Service Management on operationalisation of the Public Service Management and Employment Policy of 1998 and relevant Public Service Acts; and
  • To provide data support and up-date records on various Human Resources information.

This Division will be led by the Director and will have the following Sections:-

  • Administration Section; and
  • Human Resources Management Section.

Administration Section

This Section will perform the following activities:-

  • Interpret Public Service Regulations; Standing Orders and other Labour laws;
  • Facilitate employee relations and welfare including health, safety, sports and culture;
  • Provide registry, office records messenger and courier services;
  • Handle Protocol Matters;
  • Facilitate security services, transport and general utility;
  • Facilitate general custodian services to include maintenance of office equipments, buildings and grounds;
  • Coordinate implementation of ethics and value promotion activities including corruption prevention education;
  • Implement diversity issues including gender, disability HIV/AIDS etc and be the Ministry’s Gender Focal Point;
  • Coordinate implementation of Private Sector Participation in the Ministry;
  • Coordinate implementation of Business Process Improvement in the Ministry;
  • Advise on organization efficiency of the Ministry; and
  • Coordinate implementation of Client Service Charter in the Ministry.
    This Section will be led by an Assistant Director.

Human Resources Management Section
This section will perform the following activities:-

  • Coordinate recruitment, selection, placement, confirmations and transfers for the Ministry;
  • Facilitate Human Resource training and development (career, professional, skills enhancement) for the Ministry including Cadres under the Ministry;
  • Facilitate orientation/induction programmes for the new entrants;
  • Human resources planning to determine supply and demand needs for professionals under the Ministry;
  • Salary administration and payroll processing;
  • Coordinate implementation of Open Performance Review and Appraisal System (OPRAS);
  • Process and update records of various leaves such as annual, sick, maternity, study and terminal;
  • Oversee employees benefits (pension, allowances etc) and entitlements;
  • Oversee services related to separation from the service (retirement, resignation, etc); and
  • Serve as a Secretariat to the appointment “Ad hoc Committee” of the Ministry.
    This Section will be led by an Assistant Director.